EcoPlus Organic Compost
Photo by Emma K Morris
EcoPlus Organic Compost
ZFP Member A1 Organics recently launched their new EcoPlus Organic Compost, with a commitment to contributing 50¢ to Zero Foodprint for every bag sold!
“Looking to recharge your soil this spring? Discover the secret to a thriving garden with A1 Organics’ EcoPlus Organic Compost. Colorado-crafted, each bag is both OMNI listed and STAcertified; it’s the highest quality organic boost for your soil. Want more? Each bag supports local regenerative farmers with a fifty-cent donation to Zero FoodPrint. This spring, restore your soil with Eco-Plus Organic Compost. Grow smart, grow local! Find Eco Plus at your local AceHardware and other preferred vendors today!”
What is Compost?
To quote the A1 Organics, compost is made from materials like food scraps, paper, yard trimmings, wood, leaves, dairy and milk, brewery residue, biosolids, cattle paunch, and much more.
“Left exposed to oxygen and pests, these materials will break down rapidly into nutrient-rich organic matter that acts as a probiotic for the ground. This decomposing organic matter brings nutrients into the soil, attracts microbial life, and even increases the soil’s water-holding capacity.”
About A1 Organics
”A1 Organics has been family-owned and operated since 1974. We provide home gardens, commercial landscapers, agriculturalists, municipalities, and institutions with organic soils, multi-purpose composts, mulches, and organics recycling services. Originally located in Eaton, we’ve expanded to serve more clients and now operate out of locations throughout the Front Range, including Eaton, Keenesburg, Commerce City, and Englewood, CO. As Colorado’s leader in organic recycling, A1 successfully diverts over 425,000 tons of waste each year from Colorado landfills. The end result is high-quality composts, mulches, and other recycled landscaping materials. A1 Organics is proud to be the organics recycling solution for a Sustainable Colorado.”
A1 Organics has been a Zero Foodprint Member since 2021.
About Zero Foodprint Membership
Zero Foodprint began as an effort for restaurants to reduce and eventually zero out their climate impacts. After crunching all the numbers, one thing was clear: the vast majority of the emissions inherent in a meal happen before the ingredients ever make it to the restaurant or processing facility. Food and beverage production accounts for more than 1/3 of global emissions - but it doesn’t have to be that way.
We can change the way that food is grown. By directly funding practices like compost application, managed grazing, and cover-cropping, Zero Foodprint members team up with farmers to create healthier soil, which makes more delicious, nutritious, and resilient crops while also conserving water and drawing down carbon. Members like A1 Organics have committed a portion of sales to Zero Foodprint to make our innovative work possible.
Zero Foodprint (ZFP) is a nonprofit organization restoring the climate, one acre at a time. We believe that by regenerating soil, local food economies can play a critical role in reversing the global climate crisis. We work with food and beverage businesses, philanthropy and government to bring the next dollar to implement the next regenerative practice on the next acre. This regenerative economy benefits every person who grows food, every person who sells food, and every person on this planet who eats food.