Stay in the Loop
San Diego Post-Holiday Party!
We all made it through the holiday season, and after taking care of everyone else we'd like you to relax, mingle, and enjoy a drink or two. Come to the beautiful Seventh House speakeasy anytime from 6-9pm; your first 2 Maker's Mark drinks are on Zero Foodprint as well as a spread of complimentary snacks and some great raffle prizes!
How Your Business Can Take Climate Action with Every Meal
Zero Foodprint mobilizes the food world around carbon farming, so that we can eat our way out of the climate crisis. Join this virtual event to learn how your food business can become a part of the solution.
How Your Business Can Take Climate Action with Every Meal
Zero Foodprint mobilizes the food world around carbon farming, so that we can eat our way out of the climate crisis. Join this virtual event to learn how your food business can become a part of the solution.
How Your Business Can Take Climate Action with Every Meal
Zero Foodprint mobilizes the food world around carbon farming, so that we can eat our way out of the climate crisis. Join this virtual event to learn how your food business can become a part of the solution.
How Your Business Can Take Climate Action with Every Meal
Zero Foodprint mobilizes the food world around carbon farming, so that we can eat our way out of the climate crisis. Join this virtual event to learn how your food business can become a part of the solution.
How Your Business Can Take Climate Action with Every Meal
About a third of the planet’s greenhouse gas emissions come from food and farming, but we can make small changes that don’t just “reduce our impact”--we can actually pull excess carbon out of the atmosphere, improve nutrition, and help farmers. It’s a win-win-win.
Zero Foodprint mobilizes the food world around carbon farming, so that we can eat our way out of the climate crisis. Learn how your food business can become a part of the solution.